Very moving - thank you for documenting Victory Day and providing us insight into our former allies. May the ones who control the narratives focus on our commonalities. Tragically, it seems that 'globalists' fortunes need to be maintained through wars, even now, even against our allies.

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May 9·edited May 9

Thank you for making this video. It was especially revealing for me to see all the women side by side with men included in their patriotic statues.

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Very touching. If only the British predator class were not so eaten up with hate.

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No kidding. They are real Vampires.

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It’s actually the Rothschilds who have subverted the English. They are Brutish, not British .

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You really ought to review history! Rothschilds work for the British aristocracy and the Vatican. They work for the brutes that you shield.


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The Rothschilds don't work for the vatican. They are the children of the Devil. Jews created Protestantism to detroy the true church. All evil emanates from the jews.

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Oh dear. You are an anti-semite? And a Roman? I am sorry I wasted my time trying to help you. On you go, living the ‘dream’ and delusion, from the best propagandists in the world. Don’t let me try to help you!

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just now

A proud anti Jew. You are a shabos goy apologizing for Jews. Jews are destroying the West. Why do you not move to IsRaHell and see how they appreciate you defending them.

You need the help to free your soul from Jew brainwashing.

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Thank you Scott for confirming my joyous feelings for Russia. When I watched president Putin's inauguration speech it magnified the difference between the civilization of Russia and the barbarism and chaos that is evolving in the USA.

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Scott, Thanks for giving a voice to all those in the then Soviet Union who took the brunt of Nazi aggression and today to remind us all of their great sacrifices.

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Unfortunately Russia is fighting these same perpetrators in Ukraine. But once again, victory will come to Russia.

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One thing you'll never see in American speeches and ceremonies...

The wise old grandmas and mothers sitting right there, prominently in the crowd.

Russian babushkas are badass.

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Be glorified our free Fatherland, the age old union of fraternal peoples, ancestor given wisdom of the people. Be a glorified country!

Scott is correct, "words have meaning for Russians" and the babushka sitting next to Putin is the personification, both bearing witness.

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Some of the best snipers in WWII were Russian women. I love Germans and I love Russians equally. All those wars were Rothschild wars. Manipulating the European Gentiles to kill each other. Same thing is happening now with the Russians in the Ukraine and Russia.

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I've been studying, informally, Russian history for many years now. I've fallen in love with Russia. I've been learning the language starting last year in case I decide to move there from here in the USA. Many Yanks have gone over and can be found on YT channels. Slava Rossiya! Thank you Scott Ritter.

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Hrarasho. Misspelled but you understand.

I love Russia.! have been there twice.

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Hopefully mankind learned its lessons and we can move away from the wars that are thrust upon us, for sick money for the elites, under Yehwey (of war).

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Then we need to deal with the Rotten Rothschilds. The Rothschilds matriarch said that there would be no wars if her sons didn’t plan them.

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Those who don't remember history are destined to repeat it.

Maybe this helps partially explain why civilian leadership is so quick to promote escalation. They haven't got a clue about the enormous suffering war creates.

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they - don't - care.

the pain, loss and utter desparation of the victims of violent conflict, the destruction of everything valuable and the problems caused by the massive numbers of displaced persons (on a grand scale since '45) are still not accounted for. "not our problem", say the warmongers, let society and taxes take care of that. and the pampered politicians go along with it. absolutely horrendous.

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He who controls the past controls the future, he who controls the present controls the past. Everything you ever been told is a lie.

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Some of us are trying to bring truth in history forward and it is difficult. The Russians have lost so much to preserve freedom and yet we view them as ennemies and attempt to re-write facts. Thank you for this!

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A truly emotional video. The Russians have so much to be proud of.

I am from the UK where we are spending so much time questioning our past and made to feel ashamed of it, very sad.

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The Jews who control England are the ones pushing this anti white hatred.

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It's not too late to make a better future. xo

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May 9·edited May 10

Thank you for a lovely video, look forward to your thoughts on Putin's inauguration and vision for this his last term.

And in keeping with a wish for world peace, here are some Russian and US troops all stationed in Niger dancing together :)


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Not often ready with the waterworks, this turned them on. Thank you.

Russia, God bless, forever.

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Thank you for this. I'm hoping that before I pass to the next place, I'll see the USA back to its former respectful, and respected, stance of decency and peace as well.

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When was that?

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I should have said, by the PEOPLE. But we've had plenty of better "representatives" than we do NOW. But, yes, I take your point! I DO think change is possible! xo

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Still have a T-34 they can roll around. Appreciate their national anthem. About land and ancestors. Our English drinking song about flags and bombs bursting in air not quite up to it.

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Thank you!

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