Agent Zelensky - Part 2 can be viewed on Rumble with no restrictions: https://rumble.com/v30nd8w-a-scott-ritter-investigation-agent-zelensky-part-2.html

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Thank you, Jeff! FUCK YouTube!

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was able to watch it on yt

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Thank You, Jeff. Here in Norway it seems that some one have put some restrictions on the Part 2. Yesterday, it was free, but when I wanted to watch the last part of it ,things was changed.

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Sadly I can't get Rumble to play the video beyond 27 or 28 minutes. At least for me it is behaving as though the uploaded file has been cut short. I would appreciate the full video as I do not have a YouTube login (and never will).

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Ah, found a way round: Reduced the quality to 200bps and now it is continuing.

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If all else fails, could you upload the English language version to your RUTube.ru account, please?

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Boris, it's on Rumble. I just included the links at https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/10-commandments-agent-zelensky

Jeff, how do I embed Rumble in Substack. I failed hopelessly so resorted to Youtube but I expect that will soon be censored?

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Thank you - have it now:

A Scott Ritter Investigation:

Agent Zelensky - Part 1 -- July 11, 2023




Agent Zelensky – Part 2 -- July 17, 2023



PS: Why in your article you call Scott's video "controversial" ??

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"Controversial" means that I hope that it makes Victoria Nuland pull her hair out.

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Hmm - thank you, I guess

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You cite a non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism :

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

I don’t meet that at all.

These examples are used to illustrate examples of anti-semitism:

Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.

Nazi Germany was an Apartheid state.

White South Africa was an Apartheid state.

Israel is an Apartheid state.

Not because of its Jewish character, but because of its behavior, which uses Jewishness as a discriminatory factor.

Do better.

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Uh, you forgot the other definitions cited there:

Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.

Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.

Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis

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Thank you for this excellent comment, even though the subject matter is off topic (as I said in my reply to him).

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Neither Scott's comment or yours were anywhere near excellent.

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Stick with what you know. The concept of cannabis as a gateway drug is not a discredited theory, as you put it. Moreover, individuals with addiction prone personality traits such as Zelensky who use cannabis are 104% times more likely to use cocaine than non-cannabis users.

The evidence of Ukrainian troops using drugs—including cannabis—is overwhelming.

If you don’t want to endorse or share the video, that’s your business.

But at least get your shit together factually before coming after the film on my platform.

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Thank you, Scott! When you play chess an important part of each game is to put the figures where you need them later. I guess that also happened in the current conflict, although over a long time, so that nobody should notice it. Did anybody have a closer look at the rise of e.g. Vitali Klitschko, previous German box champion, very popular, who became mayor of Kyiv in 2014 and was an ally of Merkel? Or Ursula von der Leyen, who somehow came out of the blue (although she has a famous father who was in German politics for a long time) and became Defense Minister of Germany (2013-2019) under Merkel and then President of the European Commission (2019 until now), first managing Covid, then managing the Ukraine war, now discussed to be head of NATO? Very likely there are more figures in key positions and it might clear the fog to name them. As those figures like to play in the protection of the dark, light might be a great disinfectant to let everybody understand their role in the game. And also make everyone understand that this might not be a lucky coincidence, but part of a bigger plan. Just as Mr. Z didn't wake up one morning and figured out to be president.

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Yes, the world has been laced with WEF grads, all doing the work of the Davos crowd.

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The Devil´s work, yes, Davos.

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and macron in france. Former employee Rotchild bank and who sold many of french assets to the USA, even military

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Thank you Mr. Ritter. My business is currently suffering from libelous attacks just for speaking truth. I can only imagine what you must deal with.

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Here goes your evening... but it'll be worth it. WATCH

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Thank you-Scott 👍🏽

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Zelensky’s mother tongue reportedly was -- Russian ! He had to train to learn/speak Western (Ukrainian) version

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REALLY good Scott!! Even better than than Part 1!!! Evil cannot stand the light and you are putting a strobe on what is happening in Ukraine. Thank you!

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So it's not just a cabal of ideologically-driven delusional neocons, it really is the corporate owners of the U.S. empire for whom the western intelligence agencies, the Pentagon work and Federal Reserve all work. I keep waiting for people in Washington to come to their senses, but they are owned by these same forces. They will fight until they are beaten or they manage to blow us all up.

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Great content - Please dump the "musick" / background noise, it detracts, greatly. Thank You.

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Music selection is just fine.

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I agree. In my opinion, the constant background music and sound effects distract from the content. I'd rather let the substance speak for itself, without frills.

Something similar to 60 Minutes-style reports would be much more engaging and effective, I think.

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Ukraine's been doing a BLM imitation knocking down statues since Victoria Nuland's "velvet assassination campaign" began a decade ago. You know who pissed them off the most? The great writer Pushkin. All towering intellectuals had to be replaced with low life Bandera Nazi killers and collaborators, and a literal clone of the Hitler Youth that dominates today. WATCH THIS!

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Bravo -- both parts are outstanding and invaluable. Scott is a national treasure !!

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Excellent documentary

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THANK you Scott, including for including testimony of another courageous American, John McIntyre

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I had to pause the video (I'll go back) where Scott is talking about Zelensky's cocaine use. He is so obvious as to be shameful. I did more than my share of the drug 50 years ago, and his mini-behaviors, sniffling, wiping his nose, and then the one near the end when he seems to go "whew" are absolutely definitive evidence of cocaine addiction.

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