Des Grecs et des Romains imitons le courage ;
Attaquons, dans ses eaux, la perfide Albion.
Que nos fastes, s'ouvrant par sa destruction
Marquent les jours de la victoire !
Of the Greeks and the Romans let’s imitate the courage!
Let’s attack in her waters the perfidious Albion!
May our annals opening with her destruction
Mark the days of victory!
Marquis de Ximenès (1726-1817), L’ère républicaine (The republican era)
The perfidy of the British is well-known, with the term Perfidious Albion dating back to the decision on the part of England in 1793 to join in with the alliance aligned against the forces of the French revolution. The spirit of that betrayal lives on today, made ironic by the fact that the modern manifestation of Perfidious Albion is now a joint enterprise involving the French, who have aligned themselves with the British to oppose the efforts of President Donald Trump to pursue peace with Russia by ending the war in Ukraine.
When it comes to the so-called “Ukraine Project”—the unofficial term used to describe the decades-old undertaking on the part of the United States and its erstwhile European allies, led by the UK and France, to use Ukraine as a vehicle to undermine, contain, and—ultimately—destroy Russia, uninformed observers are often distracted by the intellectual misdirection that the perpetrators of this project undertake which turns logic upside down by portraying Russia as a fake nation led by a brutal autocrat out to conquer Europe, and Ukraine as an enlightened collection of quasi-Europeans who not only share the same values as their western brethren, but are willing to serve as the shield that protects Europe from the scourge of the Muscovite hordes.
The “Ukraine Project” is comprised, at its core, of a fundamental lie—the existence of a viable nation state called Ukraine.
But the reality is that Ukraine is little more than the artificial construct of a succession of outside agencies—the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bolshevik Russia/the Soviet Union, and the so-called “collective West” comprising the US and Europe—each of whom has sought to weaken and subordinate what they call Great Russian chauvinism, and what the Russian people call the Russian nation.
It is the latest manifestation of this project that is at issue today, derived from the deranged mind of George Soros, who in 1993 opined publicly about what he had been working to achieve behind the scenes—a new world order managed by the Trans-Atlantic military partnership known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO.

Soros envisioned a world in the post-Soviet era where NATO, as the only functioning management system capable of fulfilling the destiny of the collective West to achieve global domination, sought to subvert a weakened Russia by stripping it of its former allies and partners, and then turning these one-time friends against them in a violent confrontation designed to wear Russia down and, ultimately, break it apart.
Soros worried about the United States, especially when it came to balancing the legitimate national interests of the United States, which never included having its young men die on foreign shores, and those of their erstwhile European allies, who twice in the 20th century undertook conflicts which resulted in American boys perishing on foreign soil. In his 1993 article, “Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO,” Soros spelled out how this American hesitation could be avoided:
The United States would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder.
All that was needed was a compliant source of Eastern European manpower.
Enter Ukraine.
Thirty years later and Soros’ evil scheme is playing itself out on the killing fields of Ukraine and Russia. The collective West found their source of compliant Eastern European manpower and engaged them in a textbook proxy conflict with Russia which has seen more than a million Ukrainian soldiers sacrificed along with hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of NATO “technical capabilities” in a losing cause.
Not only has Russia refused to be defeated, but instead had turned the tables on George Soros’ “Ukraine Project,” handing the collective West a humiliating lesson in the difference between a legitimate nation comprised of people united in their culture and heritage (Russia) and one which was manufactured from the minds of those who sought to harm Russia by inventing a national identity born not from common values, but generated from the terror of those who were creating this false nation. George Soros and his NATO minions had created a Frankenstein’s monster, a grotesque collection of people united only by the hate they were taught from a young age to feel toward Russia.
And now it is time for Frankenstein’s monster to die.
The experiment has failed.
But rather than accept this failure and move on to the next phase of Trans-Atlantic geopolitical evolution, Soros and his minions, led by France and the UK, have turned on the United States, seeking to implement a part of the contract regarding the creation of Frankenstein’s monster that never existed—to draw America into this proxy conflict, to create the conditions for having American blood once again shed on European soil.
This is the perfidy of France and the UK.
They knew going in what the rules of the “Ukraine Project” were—a proxy conflict, born of George Soros’ warped mind, which used Eastern European manpower and NATO military technology to kill Russians in numbers sufficient to bring down the Russian Federation.
Now, faced with the consequences of their failure, these modern-day incarnations of Dr. Frankenstein cannot do the honorable thing by acknowledging their failure and putting their fake nation state down. Instead, they wish to extend the monster’s suffering by infusing it with the blood of American youth.
Fortunately, the United States has new leadership.
President Donald Trump has rejected the “Ukraine Project” in its totality, opting instead to seek peace with Russia on terms that promote economic co-prosperity over military confrontation.
One would expect our long-term “friends and allies” in NATO, led by the French and the British, to understand this—after all, the rules of the game were always designed to keep America from becoming a direct participant in the proxy war that served as the culmination of the “Ukraine Project.”
Instead, they sent their respective leaders—Emmanuel Macron for France, and Keir Starmer for the UK—to the White House to try and convince President Trump that Frankenstein’s monster was worth saving.
Then they dispatched the monster himself—Volodymyr Zelensky, the living manifestation of the sick, perverted, artificial construct of what is called Ukraine.
But President Trump saw through the perfidy and sent all three packing.
And now it is up to the United States to do what these would-be Dr. Frankenstein’s cannot—put the monster out of its misery.
Like the Frankenstein of lore, Ukraine will not die easily. It will try to kill its creators, something both Europe and the United States must be on guard for.
But Ukraine will die.
The “Ukraine Project” has failed.
What emerges in its stead remains unknown—a new monster? Or something real, legitimate, born of culture and values derived from historical norms, and not manufactured from the terror of men trying to create a monster for their sick geopolitical games.
This is the final stage of the modern manifestation of Perfidious Albion, where the British and French demonstrate to the world that they stand for nothing but betrayal, and can never be counted as true friends of the American people.
George Soros envisioned a world order where the NATO military alliance, led by France and the UK, took advantage of a compliant United States to lure us into a proxy war with Russia.
This is not the action of either a friend or ally, but rather an enemy, someone hostile to legitimate interests of the United States which should never again manifest themselves in conflicts that have Americans dying in Europe’s wars.
The consequences of this modern enactment of Perfidious Albion should be the abandonment of NATO and all that it stands for, and the ushering in of a new era of American greatness where we make common cause with those who seek peace and economic prosperity, and not those who aspire to construct monsters designed to kill.
You want perfidy? I'll give you perfidy, Scott. It's the eight decade long obsession of The Empire to defeat and destroy Russia. It's The Empire that conned these Eurowhores to take their imbecile stance of Russophobia, even long after the Stalinist dictatorship imploded. The Empire nurtured that hatred and funded the NATO tool, moving it ever nearer to Russia's borders, and acting as The Empire's cynical provocation of its supposed enemy. Trump has bailed on the vicious plan and the proxy war that was supposed to be its ultimate threat and left the wimpy beggars with their asses in the wind, asking to have them kicked. They are mouthing off, but treading air, like the Coyote in the Roadrunner cartoons.
A brilliant piece of analysis with geopolitical historical context that helps make sense of the different push and pull of US, France and UK wrt Ukraine and NATO